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   Linking FlexFile into an application

   FlexFile is compatible with all the linkers that it has been
   tested with.  The entire library can be overlayed with
   Blinker(tm) or WarpLink(tm).

   The procedure for linking is the same as for any other library
   listed in your link file or on the link command line.  For

    link test.obj,,,c:\lib\clipper c:\lib\flexfile

   Each FlexFile function begins with either a V_ or an A_
   depicting use with the Variable Length Field manager or the
   array manager, respectively.  The prefix to each function was
   chosen to avoid conflict with other libraries.  If you find a
   conflict with another library, you must place FlexFile before
   the other library in the link list in order to use the
   FlexFile function.  If you find a conflict please contact us
   so that we may avoid them in future releases.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson